Lisa is our Facilitator for Creative Arts.
My work as an artist facilitator has led me to engage with fragile communities, both locally and internationally over the last 26 years. I have worked in conflict zones with people displaced by war, prisons, with the armed forced (soldiers returning from war) across all areas of mental health and on regeneration projects.
I have a wide ranging experience creating art that explores a sense of individual and communal fragility and how artistic practise can create change in terms of individual recovery both personally and collectively within communities.
My sessions at Stepping Stones are fun, experimental and created for you to find your own pace. I am a great believer in the ability of the arts to help us make sense of the world, pose questions, find answers. A way for us to tilt our thinking, peep around corners, to see the poetry and beauty in the every day.
Within the sessions we explore more traditional techniques, drawing, painting sculpture, printmaking as well as getting out and about to create films, soundscapes and photographs. We look to the work of wonderful artists to inspire us. Most importantly these sessions are to relax, explore, laugh and find the beauty in creating art.
Artwork from our Students