Gardening at Jealott's Hill
This is a 10 week Course. Starting Wednesday 30th April 10am - 2pm Chris, Ian and Tina
Available spots
Course / Workshop Content
Who is this for? Absolutely anyone – beginners or experienced gardeners - who would like to get closer to nature and have some time outdoors in beautiful, tranquil surroundings. We have several raised beds too for anyone who finds these easier to manage. What will I learn? Jealotts Hill Community Land share is a six-acre site, enjoyed by the local community who support each other, working and enjoying the land. Stepping Stones has several small plots at the site where we can plant whatever we like - flowers, vegetable, herbs …. anything we choose. Groups from the college go every week – once or twice - and are led by Peer Leaders from Stepping Stones who will show you around and where to get gardening tools etc. Alternatively, you can just go up to the site and roam round or read a book and enjoy the peace and quiet of being so close to nature. We offer free transport to and from Bracknell Bus Station for anyone without a car. Just let us know when you register for the course, if you need transport. Please book this course through the office – 01344 300333 How can I use what I learn? This is an opportunity to learn more about all aspects of planting and growing or to just enjoy being in six acres of beautiful countryside. Helping with propagation in our poly tunnels or cultivation of our outdoor plots can provide many social, health and wellbeing benefits, alongside the possibility of harvesting some wonderful produce, which will always be shared. If you wish to attend the Gardening, please give the office a call and speak with Chris. The course is not bookable online at present. Students will be asked to sign a Participants Responsibility Form.
Course dates
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot attend a workshop, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer your place to someone else. Thank you.
Contact Details
Jealott's Hill Community Landshare, Penfurzen Lane, Warfield, Bracknell, UK
01344 300333